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Kings of Northumbria   
ALCHRED  [765-74]
silver sceat
obv.  +ALCHRED, cross in centre;
rev.   Fantastic animal right, cross under body.
Spink 849 [£1000 in VF].
Abramson 71-10.
Ex - private collection, USA.
some small deposits + slight porosity.
GVF                           £975

Kings of Northumbria    
EANRED  [810-41]
base silver styca
Moneyer - CYNWULF
obv.  EANRED. REX [retro.], cross in centre.;
rev.   CYNWALF, cross in centre.
Spink 660 [£175 in VF].
rev. a little weakly struck.
Full and round.
aVF                       £ 150

SERIES K  [c.710-60]

silver sceat     -     secondary series

Series K - type 32a

obv.  Bust right, cupping cross;

rev.   Serpent headed coiled lion right.

1.00 g

Spink 803C [£525 in VF]; Abramson SL 40-40; SCBI 69: 420 [this coin illustrated].

Found: East Anglia.

Recorded: EMC 2009.0060

Provenance: Mike Vosper Coins, Sept. 2008

struck off-centre - obv. is better than the photo


VF/EF                                                          £375     sold

SERIES K  [c. 710-60]

silver sceat - secondary series

Series K - type 32a

obv.  Bust right with cross;

rev.   Serpent headed coiled lion left.

1.00 g

Spink 803C [£525 in VF]; Abramson SL - 39-20; SCBI 69: 411 [this coin illustrated].

Provenance: bought from us - October 2005.

some very slight deposits.

better than photos.


GVF                                                                £395      R

SERIES J 72  [c.710-60]

silver sceat     -     secondary series

obv.  facing heads with cross between;

rev.  bird right looking back.           


Spink 802C [£400 in VF]; Abramson SL, 19-10.

Provenance: Glendinings, 4.4.1979, lot 205;         Lord Stewartby collection.

flan slightly irregular [not chipped], slight porosity. much better than photos.


VF                                                                      £198

SERIES E  [c. 695-740]
silver seeat
Porcupine type
obv.  porcupine, with pellets and symbols.
rev.  standard with annulet and pellets.
1.05 g
Spink 790B [£110 in VF].
cf. Abramson 90-10.
Found: Berkshire, c. 2023.
A nice coin
EF                           £185    sold

SERIES G  [c.710-60]

silver sceat     -     secondary series

Series G - type 3a var.

obv.  large crude head right with hand holding cross.

rev.  standard with 3 crosses and trefoil.

Spink 800 [£250 in VF]; Abramson SL, 21-70 - imitative.

Provenance: Jean Elsen auction

a bit dirty and somewhat base silver

much better than photos 

VF                                                               £150

SERIES L  [c. 710-60]
silver sceat
Secondary series
Series L, type 15
obv. bust right with cross in front;
rev.  standing facing figure holding 2 crosses.
0.73 g
Spink 804c [£450 in VF];
Abramson SL: 35-20;
SCBI 69: 487 [this coin illustrated].
Bought from us, 2009.
dark tone and some porosity and delamination, but better than photos.
GF/aVF                   £195    

SERIES J  [c. 710-60]
secondary silver sceat
Secondary series
Type 85
obv.  large bust right;
rev.   bird on cross, with annulets at sides.
Spink 802 [£225 in VF].
Found: Driffield. North Yorkshire, 2023.
aEF                         £ 325

Kings of Northumbria  
AETHELRED 11 [841-50]


obv.  +EDILRED RE, cross in centre;

rev.   uncertain, cross in centre.

Spink 865 [£120 in VF]

ragged flan, weakly struck and some deposits.

better than photos

nVF                                                               £50

SERIES T   [c. 710-60]
silver sceat
Seconday series
Series T, type 9 - var. 2/1a
obv. bust right - LELU in front
rev.  quilled crescent left.
1.01 g
Spink 815 [£750 in VF];
Abramson SL: 25-20;
SCBI 69: 779 [this coin illustrated].
Provenance: Tim Owen, 1998.
weakly struck obv. and slight porosity - better than photos.
nVF/VF                   £198     R

SERIES E   [c. 695-740]
silver sceat
Series E. late variety
obv. quilled crescents - 3 bars;
rev.  beaded standard with annulet.
0.81 g
Spink 790c [£100 in VF];
Abramson SL: 97-20 [this coin illustrated]; SCBI 69: 228 [this coin illustrated].
Provenance: CCA, Feb. 1995.
GVF-nEF                  £135

Kings of Northumbria     
EADBERHT  [737-58]

silver sceat

class F iv

obv.  EOTBERHTVS, cross in circle with pellet in qtrs

rev.   fantastic animal right with cross under tail and triquetra below.

Spink 847 [£400 in VF]

Found: Yorkshire.

die flaw under tail and obv. struck slightly               off-centre.


GVF                                                            £295

Kings of Northumbria
AETHELRED 11 [841-50]
Irregular type
obv.  +EDILRED RX, cross in centre;
rev.   +AIVEDRVR, cross in centre. 
Spink 872 [£120 in VF].
weakly struck on parts of rev. + slight porosity.
Obv. quite nice.
VF                            £ 75   sold

SERIES G   [c. 710-60]

silver sceat - secondary sceat

Series G - type 107 - variant

obv.  Bust right with cross;

rev.   Standard with pellet in annulet and 4 saltire crosses;

1.05 g

Spink 800 [£250 in VF]; Abramson SL - 21-50;

SCBI 69: 324 [this coin illustrated].

Found: Cambridgeshire.

Recorded: EMC 2006.0266

Provenance: Steve Elden, Feb. 2006

Struck in high relief.

GVF-nEF                                                      £285



SERIES U  [c. 710-60]
silver sceat
Series U, type 23d
obv. figure with large hands right, holding 2 crosses;
rev.  long necked pecking bird right.
0.38 g
Spink 816 [£675 in VF];
Abramson SL: 45-20;
SCBI 69: 787 [this coin illustrated].
Found: Norwich, 2006.
Recorded: EMC 2007.0020.
very unusual and probably imitative.
weakly struck, some porosity, but much better than photos.
GF                                £135       

SERIES U  [c. 710-60]
silver sceat
Secondary series
Series U, type 23b
obv. standing female figure looking left in crescent boat, with 2 crosses;
rev.  long necked pecking bird right.
1.11 g
Spink 816 [£675 in VF];
Abramson SL: 45-20 [this coin illustrated]; SCBI 69: 789 [this coin illustrated].
Found: East Anglia, 2010.
some deposits.
much better than photos.
GVF                          £375       

SERIES E  [c. 695-740]
silver sceat
Porcupine type
obv.  porcupine, with symbols;
rev.   standard with annulet and symbols.
1.25 g
Spink 790B [£110 in VF].
slightly weakly struck in one part.
GVF                        £145

FLEDGLING  [c. 710-60]
secondary silver sceat
ECLECTIC - Fledgling type B
obv.  Wolf head right with curling serpent below;
rev.   Eagle right with fish in mouth.
0.98 g
Spink 832 [£2250 in VF]; Abramson 44-20; SCBI 69: 456 [this coin illustrated]
Found: Harlington, Bedsf.
Provenance: Silbury Coins.
Better than photos.
slight porosity.
One of the classic Anglo Saxon sceattas.
GVF                       £1750

SERIES G   [c. 710-60]
secondary silver sceat
obv. bust right with cross;
rev.  standard with annulet and 4 crosses;
1.09 g
Spink 800 [£250 in VF]; Abramson 21.
some slight porosity on obv.
VF                            £175

Kings of Northumbria    
EADBERHT  [737-58]

silver sceat

type Ci - 3 armed cross

obv.  EOTBEREhTVF, 3-armed cross with pellet ends

rev.   fantastic animal right with pellet in loop of tail

Spink 847 [£400 in VF]; Abramson SL, 70-100; 'Studies in EMC', vol.2, Abramson, Boydell, 2011, p.204, pl.42 [this coin].                                   0.89g

Provenance: Michael Trenerry coins, 1999 [£245].

struck off-centre

RARE type

GVF                                                              £295

SERIES J   [c. 710-60]
silver sceat
Secondary series
Series J, type 37
obv.  facing heads, cross in between;
rev.   4 birds clockwise around cross.
0.87 g
Spink 802A [£325 in VF]; Abramson 19-30.
Found: Norfolk, 1999; Spink.
VF                             £ 295

SERIES E   [c. 680-710]
silver sceat
Series E, type 89 - SEDE
obv. SEDE divided by 4 cross pommee's;
rev.  serpent coiled anti-clockwise and cross in centre.
0.97 g
Spink 786 [£1350 in VF]; Abramson 93-20 [this coin illustrated];
SCBI: 69: 300 [this coin illustrated].
Found: Ipswich, 2006.
Provenance: Elkins coins, 2006
chipped and some deposits.
GVF                         £250     R

SERIES G  [c. 710-60]

silver sceat     -     secondary series

obv.  bust right with cross;

rev.   diamond standard with annulet centre, 3 crosses and trefoil, with 2 pellets.               0.95g

Spink 800 [£250 in VF]; Abramson SL - 21-20; 

Ex - Noonans auctions

EF or near                                            £375

SERIES O   [c. 710-60]

silver sceat - secondary series

Series O - type 40

obv.  Standing figure facing with cross each side;

rev.   Monster left looking back.

0.91 g

Spink 807B [£450 in VF]; Abramson SL - 55-10;

SCBI 69: 595 [this coin illustrated].

Provenance: Patrick Finn, 17, 1999, no. 39 [£250]

Better than photos.


VF                                                                    £325

SERIES E   [c. 695-740]

silver sceat

Series E - var. C

obv.  Quilled crescent with 3 bars;

rev.   Standard with annulet centre

0.73 g

Spink 790 [£110 in VF]; Abramson SL - 96-10;

SCBI 69: 256 [this coin illustrated].

Provenance: Elkins Coins, Mar. 2010.

GVF                                                                      £165

ECLECTIC  [c. 710-60]
silver sceat
Saltire standard - type 70
obv. saltire in beaded standard;
rev.  beaded standard with annulet enclosing pellet'
1.09 g
Spink 833b [£225 in VF]; 
Abramson SL: 13-190 [this coin illustrated]; SCBI 69: 740 [this coin illustrated].
Found: Foxton, 2008.
Recorded: EMC 2008.0161.
VF+                            £265


SERIES J  [c. 710-60]
secondary silver sceat
Type 36
obv.  bust right with cross;
rev.   2 birds right with cross.
0.94 g
Spink 802D [£325 in VF]; Abramson 20-10.
struck slightly off-centre.
GVF                         £295   sold

SERIES E   [c. 695-740]
silver sceat
Series E - Plumed bird
obv. plumed bird;
rev.  standard.
0.98 g
Spink 791 [£175 in VF];
Found: North Yorkshire, 2023
GVF-nEF                    £175

Kings of Northumbria
AETHELRED 11 [841-50]
Moneyer - LEOFDEGN
obv. +EDELRED RE, 5 large pellets in a circle - Special Motif;
rev.  +LEOFDEJN, Special Motif cross in a circle. 
0.94 g
Spink 866A [£250 in VF].
Found: near York, c. 2023.
slight porosity.
nEF                         £ 375

SERIES V [c, 710-60]
secondary silver sceat
Type 7
obv.  Wolf and Twins;
rev.   Bird in stalks of wheat.
1.11 g
Spink 817 [£950 in VF for normal type - this much rarer]; 
Not in Abramson, but cf. Abramson 62 - distinct differences.
Ex - Stack collection, 213, according to ticket ?
weakly struck in places + some slight deposits
EXTREMELY RARE - unique possibly ?
nVF                         £ 675

EADBERHT  [737-58]
silver sceat
Kings of Northumbria
Type G
obv.  .EOTBEREhTVF, large cross in centre;
rev.  fantastic animal right with 4 rosettes.
1.02 g
Spink 847 [£400 in VF];
'Studies in EMC, vol. 2', T Abramson, p. 210, pl. 83 [this coin illustrated].
Found: Driffield, Yorkshire, November 2004.
struck slightly off-centre.
GVF                        £325


Kings of Northumbria    
EADBERHT  [737-58]

silver sceat

obv.  .EOTBEREhTVF, cross in centre;            1.04g

rev.    fantastic animal left.

Spink 847 [£400 in VF]; 'Studies in EMC', vol.2, Abramson, Boydell, 2011, p.204, pl.26 [this coin].

Provenance: Gillis coins, 2007

double-struck in places

GVF-nEF                                                              £295

EADBERHT   [737-58]
silver sceat
Kings of Northumbria
Type G
obv.  .EOTBEREhTVF, cross in centre;
rev.   fantastic animal right with 4 rosettes.
0.94 g
Spink 847 [£400 in VF];
'Studies in EMC, vol.2', 
T Abtamson, p. 210, pl. 82 [this coin illustrated].
Found: North Yorkshire.
struck slightly off-centre.
VF                           £295

SERIES R7   [c. 710-60]
secondary silver sceat
obv.  bust right;
rev.   standard with symbols.
0.99 g
Spink 813A [£225 in VF]
slightly patchy toning + small deposits.
GVF                          £ 220

EADBERHT  [737-58]
silver sceat
King of Northumbria
obv. EOTBEREEVO ? - unusual probably double-struck;
rev.  fantastic animal right, with cross under tail, rosette under foreleg and triquetra below.
Spink 847 [£400 in VF];
some double-striking
Unusual type - unrecorded ?
VF                         £295     sold


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